Blue Ridge Mountain High

Sunday, August 22, 2010 Road Junkies 0 Comments

Blowing Rock, NC
With all the beautiful and challenging trails in the "High Country" area, there was no shortage of great places to hike.
And thanks to a few very active local letterboxers, most trails have letterboxes to search for, making the walk oh so much more interesting.
In addition to our traditional summer mountain week activities like boating on Lake Watauga and picnicking at Julian Price Park, we also visited the Ashe County Cheese Factory in West Jefferson, a tasty adventure. As an extra treat, there was even a letterbox planted at the factory!
It was a week filled with games and good food, family stories and a relief from the heat and humidity back home.
Some familiar traditions, some new adventures...
A bit of challenge...
...And one broken arm. A humerus story that wasn't the least bit funny. Away from the rocky and treacherous trails, Dianne fell in the neighborhood, fracturing the upper right arm.

But even that wasn't enough to detract from another fantastic family vacation.