Adventure in Bonaventure
We started the day on Saturday with a visit to Savannah's Bonaventure Cemetery with Pam. Located at the site of the old Bonaventure plantation on a scenic bluff of the Wilmington River east of Savannah, the property became a cemetery in 1846.

With its tree-lined roadways and elaborate cemetery sculpture and architecture, Bonaventure has been a world famous tourist destination for more than 150 years, even before John Berendt's
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil brought it widespread acclaim.

The many notable people interred here and folklore associated with the cemetery add to its appeal. This beautiful sculpture marks the grave of Johnny Mercer's mother Lillian. His hit song
Blues in the Night is referenced in the caption at the bottom of the marker.

Of course, we couldn't leave without finding a letterbox.

Later in the day, Alison helped us launch a hitchhiker letterbox in honor of her birthday.

We were all fascinated with the mode of transportation being used by a messenger making his way through one of Savannah's famous squares.

After another wonderful dinner at Garibaldi's Cafe, we braved the rain to find one last letterbox before our return to our respective homes tomorrow morning.