Getting Boulder
The gaming continued as the sun climbed on Saturday with Maxwell challenging Ken to a chess rematch.

After a bit of sightseeing, we had our second experience at "extreme letterboxing." (Actually these boxes aren't technically considered extreme; they just seemed so to us.)
The clue for this one directed us to locate the tree at the top of a crevice with a rope attached and use the rope to descend between two boulders. Our intrepid searchers clung to the side of the canyon wall, following a trail of sorts and eventually making our way to a deep overhang/shallow cave where we found the letterbox!

At Canyon Mouth Park in the Little River Canyon National Preserve, we found the perfect spot for a less demanding activity-- rock skipping. The river was shallow, narrow, and very clear. (L to R) Elliot, our rock skipping champ, Dan, and Ken show off their form.

Just off the Canyon Mouth Trail, we found the perfect spot to plant our Game Weekend letterbox, cradled in the heart of a conjoined twin tree.

Back at the lodge after another dinner divine, we made smores around the firepit.